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Castro Law > 2017


I’M STRUGGLING TO PAY MY MORTGAGE. WHAT DO I DO? If you are behind on your mortgage you have several options to consider depending on your circumstances: bringing the loan current, loan modification, selling by a traditional sale, a short sale, a deed in lieu of foreclosure and even foreclosure itself. How do you choose which option is best for you? Ask for help from Castro Law. At Castro Law, we first assess your individual situation and see if keeping your home is not just possible, but is the best choice. We help you understand your financial situation: is the payment affordable...

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Equifax Breach – What should I do?

Equifax Data Breach – What should I do?  According to Equifax and re-iterated on the Federal Trade Commission website, here are the facts: The breach lasted from mid-May through July. The hackers accessed people’s names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and, in some instances, driver’s license numbers. They also stole credit card numbers from over 200,000 people and dispute documents with personal identifying information for about 182,000 people. If you haven’t already, you will want to click on the link below and check out what Equifax has to say about the breach. We would also suggest accessing your free credit report from...

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$100 off Bundle Pack – Durable Power of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directive

$100 off Bundle Pack - DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY and ADVANCE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE CALL TODAY (888) 560-2743 Castro Law is offering $100 off the Durable Power of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directive bundle pack. What is a “Durable” Power of Attorney and what are the benefits? A durable power of attorney simply means that the document stays in effect if you become incapacitated and unable to handle matters on your own. (Ordinary, or "nondurable," powers of attorney automatically end if the person who makes them loses mental capacity to make decisions.) A “durable” power of attorney enables you (the “principal”) to appoint authority for health, legal and financial...

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Life has problems, Castro Law has solutions

Are you worried about losing your home, buried in credit card debt, tired of harassing collection calls? If yes, call Castro Law. We focus on rescuing individuals, families and businesses from events and circumstance that are overwhelming them. We understand that sometimes the unexpected happens: loss of job, serious illness, business failure or divorce. These events can be devastating to your finances. The stress can take its toll on your relationships, your work and even your health. The attorneys at Castro Law offer you a “safe place” to get the guidance and legal help you need to get your financial affairs back...

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