Life has problems, Castro Law has solutions

Are you worried about losing your home, buried in credit card debt, tired of harassing collection calls? If yes, call Castro Law. We focus on rescuing individuals, families and businesses from events and circumstance that are overwhelming them.
We understand that sometimes the unexpected happens: loss of job, serious illness, business failure or divorce. These events can be devastating to your finances.
The stress can take its toll on your relationships, your work and even your health. The attorneys at Castro Law offer you a “safe place” to get the guidance and legal help you need to get your financial affairs back in order. Speak to one of our friendly attorneys and learn about your options.
You’re not alone. You have Castro Law on your side. Call for your FREE consultation today and ask for Loren or Kathleen Castro. You’ll be glad you did.
Life has problems, Castro Law has solutions. (888)-560-2743
Castro Law is considered a debt relief agency which helps people file for bankruptcy relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code.