$100 off Bundle Pack – Durable Power of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directive

Castro Law is offering $100 off the Durable Power of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directive bundle pack.
What is a “Durable” Power of Attorney and what are the benefits?
A durable power of attorney simply means that the document stays in effect if you become incapacitated and unable to handle matters on your own. (Ordinary, or “nondurable,” powers of attorney automatically end if the person who makes them loses mental capacity to make decisions.) A “durable” power of attorney enables you (the “principal”) to appoint authority for health, legal and financial decisions to an “agent” (typically a trusted relative or friend) if you are incapable of making those decisions for yourself. It is important to have a durable power of attorney for yourself and/or for an elderly parent or loved one so that a transfer of responsibilities can occur immediately when needed for the selected agent to take actions such as paying bills and making financial and medical decisions on the principal’s behalf. Without a durable power of attorney these important decisions will not be able to be made and family and friends will need legal intervention by the court to appoint a guardian, which can often be expensive and too late.
What is an Advance Health Care Directive?
In the event that you find yourself unable to make your own health care decisions due to an accident or severe illness, it is important to have an advance health care directive in place to have an agent (commonly a close relative or friend) established to make the correct treatment and medical care decisions you would prefer, such as life sustaining treatments, decisions regarding donation of organs and how you would like your remains to be treated after you pass.
If you have these questions, or others, please do not hesitate to call us at 888-560-2743.
Life has problems, Castro Law has solutions. 888-560-2743.
Offer good through September 30, 2017.